Unofficial Dave fifty-50

A personal viewpoint about the goings on in and around the band fifty-50 (oh and anything else)

Monday, October 12, 2009

local band history 1985

A few months after Beware the dog had breathed its last my friend and ex work colleague Nick Gill had renewed enthusiam for the live music scene since he had been writing several original songs. Wishing to form a band to get these heard, an amalgamation of the ex Beware the dog remaining two and Nick's ex bass player, James Day from his school band Glassroc became the solution. Since we knew of a very competent drummer in Dave Cartman, ex BTD drummer and vocalist Pete handled lead vocal duties only. In our wisdom the band became known as Passionkiller.
Line up me and
NICK GILL rhythm guitar and vocals
DAVE CARTMAN drums (currently with Versonic)

The set consisted of several of Nick's new songs and some Beware the dog originals. Some pictures exist from our gig at Haddon Hall in Leeds which I will post when they are unearthed.
However the collective enthusiasm very quickly began to wane and other life priorities began to take preference. My retirement from the live music scene was confirmed and little by little my equipment was sold. The final nail in the coffin was when I sold my beloved black Les Paul Custom for the princely sum of £280...aaaaaaarrrrgh!!!


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